Monday, June 27, 2011


Stepfamilies are becoming one of the most common family forms in the United States. When stepfamilies are formed, many new relationships are created. You may become an instant grandparent with step-grandchildren. You may have both grandchildren and step-grandchildren in the same family. Consequently, step- grandparenting can offer the same challenges, uncertainties, conflicts and rewards that exist in other stepfamily relationships.

Remember that relationships are built over time. Your relationship and role as a step-grandparent will take time to develop. The important first steps in building a meaningful relationship with your step-grandchildren are communication and spending time getting to know each other.

Recognize the vital role of grandparents and step-grandparents in today's families. Today, a majority of families with children are busier than ever before. You can offer children in these busy families companionship, time, and a listening ear. Grandparents are described as “significant others who have a great deal to do with one's view of life.” Grandchildren who are exposed to such contact are less fearful of old age and the elderly. They feel more connected to their families.

Create the grandparenting role that is comfortable to you and rewarding for your stepfamily. Step-grandparenting, like other stepfamily roles, is challenging and undefined. It is up to you to carve a role for yourself that fits your son or daughter’s new family.

To download the full publication “Stepping Stones for Stepfamilies: For

Step-Grandparents” by Millie Ferrer-Chancy:

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