Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Talk

Family conversation starters for Holiday dinner
·         Name one thing you would like to do this weekend
·         If your picture were in the paper today, what would the caption say?
·         Name one thing you appreciate about the person sitting on your right.
·         What was the nicest thing you did for someone this week?
·         Tell us about your favorite food without using the name.
·         If you could participate in any Olympic event, which would it be?
·         If we were to write a family goal for this week, what would it be?
·         What is your favorite family tradition?
·         What family tradition would you like for us to start?
·         What would you like to do after you finish high school?
·         What outside activity could we do together as a family today?
·         How could we as a family help others in our community?
·         If you could invite someone to dinner who would it be? Why?
·         If we have a time machine, when and where would you like to visit?
·         Talk about two things that your friends’ families do different from ours.

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