Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Moms: Take Care of Yourself

Nobody can take your place in your child’s eyes. You are your child’s first and most important teacher! One of the best ways you can teach is by example, because your baby or toddler takes in everything you say and do.

That is why this key—Care for Yourself—is so essential. When you take good care of yourself, you are more likely to be happy and loving. Your child feels it in the sound of your voice, your posture, and the expressions on your face and thrives on it.

“How can I care for myself when I have so much to do?” you might ask. Parents of babies and toddlers often feel tired and frazzled. They worry about doing everything exactly right. It is important to keep in mind that doing well starts with being well. You can learn to reduce stress and nurture yourself. Both you and your child will reap the benefits.

Understanding how much your well-being influences your child is awesome—even scary! Here is the good news: You do not have to be perfect. No one is. Try some of the following ideas to help keep your life in balance.

Although getting enough sleep is vital to your health, it’s often hard to do with a new baby in the house. Allow yourself to nap when your baby does. Also make sure you are exercising and eating right. Recognize your stress symptoms and ask (and accept) for help from family and friends. Keep your adult relationships healthy. Find time for yourself, share your feelings with others and most of all – enjoy that beautiful baby!

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